Minggu, 22 April 2012

Asking If Someone Remembers or Not

Hi, my name is Sam. Do you remember me?
Sobat, pernah ga kamu bertanya kayak gitu sama temenmu setelah sekian lama  kalian ga ketemu? Pasti pernah dong. Yup, semua orang pasti pernah. Untuk memastikan seseorang masih ingat atau ga, pasti kita berusaha untuk bertanya, kan? Dalam bahasa Inggris, hal semacam ini dinamakan dengan Asking If Someone Remembers or Not. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan baca di bawah ini…

Formal Expressions:
  •          I wonder if you remember…
  •          You remember…, don’t you?
  •          You haven’t forgotten…, have you?
  •          Don’t you remember…?
  •          Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to Respond:
  •          Let me think, yes, I remember.
  •          I remember especially the scenery.
  •          I’ll never forget that.
  •          I’ll always remember.
  •          I can remember it clearly.


Teman, akhirnya kita sampai juga ke topik offering...

Bagi teman-teman yang penasaran gimana caranya nawarin sesuatu sama orang lain bisa kok nambah pengetahuan di sini. Ada berbagai pengetahuan mengenai offering, mulai dari pengertian offering, cara mengungkapkan offering secara formal maupun informal, contoh-contohnya, cara menerima dan menolak offering itu sendiri, dan masih banyak lagi deh.

Di bawah ini ada beberapa pengertian offering. Yuuuk teman, mari kita liat :)

Definition of Offering:
  1.        The act of making an offer.
  2.        Something, such as stock, that is offered. 
  3.        A contribution or gift, especially one made at a religious service.
The expression of “Would you like…” is normally used for offering something to someone.

Udah pada tau kan apa itu offering? Karena udah tau pengertian offering, kita bisa lanjut ke pembuatan contoh-contoh kalimatnya, udah gitu kita juga bisa belajar membuat dialog yang berhubungan dengan materi ini. Teman-teman bisa liat di bawah ini. Selamat membaca :D

Example of Offering To:
Offering to older people:
  • ·         Would you like a cup of tea, Mrs. Shelly?
  • ·         Should I get you a bottle of water?
  • ·         Could I offer you a glass of milk, Mr. Andre?
  • ·         Would you care for some chocolate?

Simple Future

Ini adalah pembahasan mengenai Simple Future. Silakan dibaca dan semoga bermanfaat :)

Simple future tense is used to denote activities or events that will be done in the future. Among all forms of future tenses, Simple Future is the most common, used in many situations such as when making appointments, predictions or plans.

Function of Simple Future: 
The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainly. In the case there is no ‘attitude’.
The simple future is used:
  •          To predict a future event.
It will rain tomorrow.
  •          To express willingness

Noun Phrases

What is noun phrase?
  •          A noun phrase is a word or group of words in a sentence that act like a noun. A word group with a noun or pronoun as its head. The noun head can be accompanied by modifiers, determiners (such as the, a, her), and /or complements.
  •          A noun phrase (often abbreviated as NP) most commonly functions as a subject, object, or complement.
  •          A noun phrase generally includes one or more modifying words, but allowance is usually made for single-word minimal noun phrases that are composed only of a noun or pronoun.
You could say “I met Joan.”
In this sentence the word Joan is a noun.
You could replace Joan with a group of words (a phrase) and say, “I met your sister.”
Your sister is a phrase (a group of words without a finite verb), and it functions as a noun in the sentence.
So we call it a noun phrase.

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Finite Verb

Definition of finite verb:
  •          Also called a main verb
  •          A verb that has a subject
  •          A verb that shows tense, person, and number
  •          Can be the main verb in a sentence

Moods in Finite Verb 
a.       Indicative Mood (expressing a state of affairs)
      Example: The coffee is hot. 
b.      Imperative Mood (giving a command)
      Example: Make the coffee hot. 
c.    Subjunctive Mood (expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence)
     Example: If the coffee was hot, I would drink it.

Rabu, 18 April 2012

News Item

                News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

Generic structure:
  •          Newsworthy event(s): recount(s) the event(s) in summary form.
  •          Background events: elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.
  •          Sources: comments by participants in, witness to and authorities’ expert on the event.
Language features:
  •          Short telegraphic information about story captured in headline.
  •          Generally using simple past tense.
  •          Use of material processes to retell the event.
  •          Using action verbs, e.g.: were, run, go, kill, etc.
  •          Using saying verbs, e.g.: say, tell.
  •          Focus on circumstances.
  •          Use of projecting verbal processes in sources stages