Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Direct & Indirect Speech

                Direct speech is refers to reproducing another person exact word. We use quotation marks (“ “).
  •          She says to her friend, “I have been writing.”
  •          She has told you, “I am reading.”
  •          She will say, “The boy wasn’t lazy.”
  •          She will say, “You have done wrongly.”

Indirect speech (also called Reported Speech) is used to communicate what someone else said, but without using the exact words.
  •          Direct speech: “I’m going to the cinema”, she said.
               Indirect speech: He said that he was going to the cinema.
  •          Direct speech: She will say, “You have done wrongly.”
               Indirect speech: She will tell you that you have done wrongly.
  •          Direct speech: She will say, “The boy wasn’t lazy.”
               Indirect speech: She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy.

There are 3 kinds of indirect speech: 
1.       Imperative (command/request) 
2.       Interrogative (question) 
3.       Declarative (statement)

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Asking For Information

Dalam keseharian, tentu kita tak lepas dari yang namanya bertanya. Iya kan? Tak hanya bertanya sekedar basi-basi, bertanya dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh informasi juga sering kita lakukan. Ada yang tahu cara mencari informasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Ada yang udah tahu? Di bawah ini ada pembahasan mengenai materi tersebut. Kebetulan, materi ini adalah materi presentasi Bahasa Inggris saya bersama Istiningtyas Nurdzahabiyyah di sekolah pada semester 2 ini. Mungkin penjelasan ini hanya sedikit, tapi saya harap ini dapat berguna bagi para pembaca. So, untuk tahu lebih lengkapnya tinggal baca di bawah ini. Selamat membaca :)

Asking for information is one way of communicating the purpose of obtaining or asking for information person unknown.

The use of WH-Question

 Information about company
- What does your company do?
- What is your specialty?
- What do you specialize in?
- What is your main line of business?

Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Generic structure:
·         Identification 
      Identifying the phenomenon to be described.

·        Description
Describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.

Language features:
  • ·         Using simple present tense.
  • ·         Using action verbs.
  • ·         Using passive voice.
  • ·         Using noun phrase.
  • ·         Using adverbial phrase.
  • ·         Using technical terms.
  • ·         Using general and abstract noun.
  • ·         Using conjunction of time and clause-effect.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Modals In The Past Form

Guys, dalam bahasa Indonesia, modals in the past form berarti kata bantu atau pengandaian dalam bentuk lampau.

When do we use modals?
·         To talk about someone’s ability (or inability) to do something.
Example: “We can find your house without the street plan.”
“She can’t have a daughter that old!”
·         To talk about an action that is necessary (or impossible or not necessary).
Example: “You must always have your driver’s license when you are driving your car.”
“You needn’t carry your passport around with you.”
·       To talk about a situation that is possible (or impossible).
Example: “Be careful with that glass, the baby might knock it over.”

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Narrative Text

                  Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
Generic structure:
·         Orientation         : sets the scene and introduces the participants.
·         Evaluation          : a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
·         Complication      : a crisis arises.
·         Resolution          : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
·         Re-orientation    : optional.

Language feature:
·         Use adjective verbs.
·         Use past tense.
·         Use conjunction.
·         The first person (I or we) or third person (he, she, or they).
·         Use specific noun.
·         Use adjective and adverbs.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Surprises & Disbelief

Surprises is a feeling that we feel when heard an amazing news which surprised and amazed us an expression that we show or say, when we know or we hear or see something that rather difficult to believe. Used to express something that we can’t or impossible.

Disbelief is a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.

Some expressing of surprise and disbelief in formal and informal:
I find that very surprising.
I must say it surprises me.
I find it extraordinary.
How very surprising.
I must say it surprises me.