Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Preposition In, On, & At

Yeaaay, akhirnyaaa… Selesai juga primbon Bahasa Inggris semester 2 saya. Dan ini adalah materi terakhir pada semester 2 ini. Selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat… :)

Definition of Preposition:
A preposition is a word, which is used to indicate different relations, such as place, time, method, manner, reason, and purpose, possession, direction, and motion. It is placed before a noun or a pronoun. The most common examples of prepositions in grammar are in, on, at.

Preposition In, on, and at can divided into two part to express place and time.

Expressing place:
·         In used to showing enclosed space around us.
  e.g.: I sleep in my bedroom
·         In used for geographic area such as country, city, province, district, and other.
  e.g.: I live in England.

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Vocab Around of The House

Rooms In House

Storage room at the very top of the house
The lowest level of the house
The room for bathing and using the toilet
The room where people sleep
Dining room
In some houses this room is only used on special occasions
Long narrow area that joins one room to another
Sometimes has a table ad chairs for eating informal meals
Living room
Place where family spends leisure time
Area in the front entrance for hanging coats and placing shoes
Master bedroom
The largest bedroom in the house; used by parents
Room for baby or young child
Room of the kitchen for keeping dry foods and storage items
Indoor area for kids to play
Rec room
Often in basement
Sun room
Enclosed room with large windows

Passive Voice

Guys, do you know about passive voice? Now, we will discuss it. Cekidooot!!!!

The passive voice is a grammatical construction (a “voice”) in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent). In the English language, the English passive voice is a formed with an auxiliary verb (usually be or get) plus a participle (usually the past participle) of a transitive verb.

Construction of the Passive Voice

Subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

The main verb is always in its past participle form.
Look at these examples:
Auxiliary Verb (to be)

Main Verb (past participle)


By everyone
100 people

By this company

In euro
In dollars

In yen?

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Introductory It

Introductory It? Ada yang tauu?
Ga tau ya? Ya sudah, yuk mari liat pembahasan di bawah ini!!!

In this pattern, it has no meaning. It is used only to fill the subject position in the sentence. Thus, it is called introductory “it”.

Introductory “it” as a subject:
A : To watch musical programs is pleasant.
B : It is pleasant to watch musical program.
Introductory it with seem, appear and look.

Gratitude, Compliment, and Congratulations

Ada yang tau apa itu Gratitude, Compliment & Congratulation??? Belum tauu? Penasaran? Cari tau dong! Di bawah ini ada pembahasan mengenai materi tersebut. Yuuk teman, mari kita liat :)

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something, help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment etc.

Some expression of gratitude:
  •          Thank you very much.
  •          Thank you for your help.
  •          I’m really very grateful to you.
  •          You’re welcome.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Asking If Someone Remembers or Not

Hi, my name is Sam. Do you remember me?
Sobat, pernah ga kamu bertanya kayak gitu sama temenmu setelah sekian lama  kalian ga ketemu? Pasti pernah dong. Yup, semua orang pasti pernah. Untuk memastikan seseorang masih ingat atau ga, pasti kita berusaha untuk bertanya, kan? Dalam bahasa Inggris, hal semacam ini dinamakan dengan Asking If Someone Remembers or Not. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan baca di bawah ini…

Formal Expressions:
  •          I wonder if you remember…
  •          You remember…, don’t you?
  •          You haven’t forgotten…, have you?
  •          Don’t you remember…?
  •          Do you happen to remember it now?

Ways to Respond:
  •          Let me think, yes, I remember.
  •          I remember especially the scenery.
  •          I’ll never forget that.
  •          I’ll always remember.
  •          I can remember it clearly.


Teman, akhirnya kita sampai juga ke topik offering...

Bagi teman-teman yang penasaran gimana caranya nawarin sesuatu sama orang lain bisa kok nambah pengetahuan di sini. Ada berbagai pengetahuan mengenai offering, mulai dari pengertian offering, cara mengungkapkan offering secara formal maupun informal, contoh-contohnya, cara menerima dan menolak offering itu sendiri, dan masih banyak lagi deh.

Di bawah ini ada beberapa pengertian offering. Yuuuk teman, mari kita liat :)

Definition of Offering:
  1.        The act of making an offer.
  2.        Something, such as stock, that is offered. 
  3.        A contribution or gift, especially one made at a religious service.
The expression of “Would you like…” is normally used for offering something to someone.

Udah pada tau kan apa itu offering? Karena udah tau pengertian offering, kita bisa lanjut ke pembuatan contoh-contoh kalimatnya, udah gitu kita juga bisa belajar membuat dialog yang berhubungan dengan materi ini. Teman-teman bisa liat di bawah ini. Selamat membaca :D

Example of Offering To:
Offering to older people:
  • ·         Would you like a cup of tea, Mrs. Shelly?
  • ·         Should I get you a bottle of water?
  • ·         Could I offer you a glass of milk, Mr. Andre?
  • ·         Would you care for some chocolate?